With the COVID-19 pandemic bringing the entire world to a stand-still, we have all been forced (for now) to make lifestyle changes that ensure the control of COVID for the health and safety of ourselves and others.
These changes have impacted nearly every aspect of our day-to-day lives, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. That is, until there is a vaccine or effective treatment for COVID-19 available.
With that being said, if you’re someone who loves to travel, then you’re likely itching to see the world and all it has to offer. While traveling during these uncertain times involves risks, if you take the necessary precautions, you should be able to safely visit your favorite destinations.
Avoiding COVID-19 Exposure While Traveling
Tip #1: If You’re Sick, DON’T Travel
This tip should be a no-brainer, but if you’re experiencing any symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 — such as a cough, fever, or shortness of breath — or any other illness, traveling should be avoided at all costs.
We know how difficult of a decision this can be, especially if a trip has already been planned and paid for, but traveling with an illness puts others at serious risk. In other words, if you even suspect an illness, stay home and call your doctor.
Tip #2: Maintain Proper Hand Hygiene
While traveling we come into contact with numerous objects and surfaces that others have already touched. This is why washing your hands regularly should be a priority, especially now.
The CDC recommends washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, however, if you don’t have access to a sink, using a hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol will do the trick. You should also avoid touching your face, most importantly your eyes and mouth as this is a gateway for germs, viruses, and bacteria.
Tip #3: Wear Face Coverage
The debate on whether or not masks work when it comes to preventing COVID-19 is still on-going. However, many health experts (including the CDC) recommend wearing some type of facial coverage when social distancing isn’t possible.
This means when you’re on a plane, train, or bus, masks should be worn at all times. Not only are masks recommended for preventing you from catching coronavirus, but they are also effective at preventing you from possibly spreading COVID-19 if you’re asymptomatic.
Tip #4: Avoid Regions With a Spike in COVID Cases
It’s a good idea to stay updated when it comes to travel advisories for specific regions. Countries like Italy and China are still seeing spikes in COVID-19 cases at the moment, which means these regions should be avoided for the time being.
Keep in mind, many regions have different requirements for international travelers and you may be tested for COVID-19 upon arrival, depending on where it is you’re going.
Stay Safe, Be Adventurous, & Have Fun
As you can see, with the right precautions in place, seeing the world is still possible. Remember, every country and region is different in terms of policies and requirements, so doing your research before booking your trip is necessary.
UPDATE: Travel is just about back in full swing! Download out Post-COVID Travel Planner here!